About Me

Hi there! I am B.B. Judy and I love to create ALL THE THINGS! I am a mom of three spectacular children, a sassy cat and some lush, semi-thriving plants. I love my morning coffee, writing, binging some trashy T.V. and of course, crafts.

With a background in Early Childhood Education, my crafting love started with children and simple crafts. As my own children grew so did my love for crafts! It started with glue and Popsicle sticks, and morphed into painting, knitting and even rehabbing furniture. About a year ago I decided it was time to level up my crafting and try my hand at creating designs for shirts and other fun things like tote bags and mugs. I’m no professional and if it’s too hard, complicated or has too many steps, I’m not interested. I’m a lazy girl at heart. So when I say that you can do anything you find on this page, I really mean it!

My big dream is to be able to share my crafting love with the world and maybe eventually teach some pop up classes, but for now, I hope you enjoy all the wonderful (and easy) projects on this page.


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